Pediatric dentistry

We are happy to treat your child’s teeth to the premium standards of the TerraDent dental clinic!

Gone are the days when children did not have the chance to cooperate in an appointment. Our goal is to ensure the oral and dental health of the little patient, in a friendly and comfortable environment, both for him and for you. Dental doctors who love children, specialized in pediatric dentistry (pedodontics) are waiting for you. We give maximum consideration to the success of each visit, through playful, painless and safe experiences.

And little patients deserve to be happy!

Starting with the first session, we help you feel constantly confident in the specialized dental service for children that we run. We know that the fears and anxiety associated with the dental office have their origins in traumatic experiences related to dental problems. Our mission is to protect children from pain and fear, teaching them from an early age to perceive the visit to the dentist as something beneficial and natural. Along with a correct dental treatment – in the best conditions, we also offer you the support of a health education for your child.

The most common dental conditions in children

When it comes to the main dental conditions, specialists in children’s dentistry agree that we have to go to the dentist’s office since the appearance of the first baby tooth. The child’s smile must not betray discomfort, pain or compromise the proper development of teeth. Therefore, an early visit to the pedodontist induces us, first of all, as parents, the naturalness of a healthy behavior to avoid the most common dental problems in children:


Dental caries is the most common dental problem in children, which affects both baby and permanent teeth. The appearance of a stain, no matter how small, on the tooth must reach the attention of the pedodontist to avoid caries, infection and subsequently – pain. Especially baby teeth can decay very easily, and a white, yellowish or brown stain is the early sign of tooth decay. The causes are nutrition (especially excessive consumption of sweets, in the absence of a healthy and balanced diet), poor oral hygiene or dental crowding. We recommend the correct brushing of the teeth, twice a day, at the instructions of the pedodontist.


Dental abscess is an externalization of a tooth infection near the maxillary bone. It causes pain to the child and is manifested by a swelling in the gums or cheek. The main trigger is untreated caries leading to inflammation of the tooth pulp and in the last stage abscess. Other causes are related to tooth integrity or the presence of cavities. We recommend an emergency visit to remove the pain and treat the infection properly.


Gingivitis is an infection that also has its causes in poor or inadequate oral hygiene. Due to bacterial plaque and tartar deposits, the baby’s gums may become irritated, suffering from inflammation or bleeding. Along with the pain or independently of it, bad breath can also occur. We recommend the correct brushing of the teeth, as well as the visit to the pedodontist at the first symptom.

Dental cramps

Dental cramps target not only the aesthetics of the smile but also the long-term health of the child. The cause of the change in the normal position of the teeth comes from the incorrect growth of the baby teeth and the final ones. If they are not corrected from the appearance, the dental crowds disrupt the bite and inconvenience the oral hygiene, favoring the appearance of caries. We recommend the periodic evaluation of the teeth and the use of orthodontic appliances, at the instructions of the pedodontist.